The lighthouse

The lighthouse

the flame of my hair though you can mark it
even in the vastest throng so light and lively
means nothing against the fire that devours me
ever since the day I saw you first the very day
they tell me you set out to sea
aboard that damned schooner I hope she is still in one piece

maybe right now in the abyss of the night
amongst roaring winds lynched by the rain
you drift nowhere half-clinging to
flotsam of that break-up that pretended to be your home

at night I go to the cliffs
and peer into the darkness of madding breakers
they climb up to the altitude of my grief
crushing upon the shore as ragged as the hunger
for you who is perhaps gone for ever
you’ve been away so long that hope abandoned your people
and it is only me who hangs on blindly believing
allowing the wind to make my hair dance
trusting you will find me that way
come back to pine for the depth of my kisses

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